こんにちは。英会話ビギン講師 渋谷エリアのユキコです。
Come to think of it…..
Speaking of which….
That reminds me….
A と B は銀座でショッピング。
A: That shop was great!
They have a really big selection of
shoes. I really enjoyed looking around in that shop!
B: I’m glad you liked that place.
Well,,, what time is it?
A: Almost noon.
We spent such a long time there that
it’s almost time for lunch!
B: Come to think of it, I’m pretty hungry.
Where should we eat?
A: Let’s go to Mario’s. Their pasta is great!
B: Sounds great!
*have a big selection of ~=~の種類がたくさんある
A と B はカフェでお茶中。
A: This Caffe Latte tastes great!
B: Yeah, that’s the most popular drink
in this shop.
A: They are running a lot of
advertisements for this drink.
B: Speaking of which, have you come
up with some good ideas for
our advertisements?
A: Well,,, not yet. I need some more time.
*run advertisements=広告をする
come up with ~ =~を思いつく
A と B は、家でおしゃべり。
A: I’m going to my father-in-law’s house for the New Year.
B: Really? How is he doing?
A: Oh, he is doing pretty well.
Last night, he called me and said
he wants to get a mobile phone.
So, I will help him buy one.
B: That reminds me. I have to call up my Mom.
She needs help with her mobile phone.
She is having trouble using it.
A: Oh, she is already using a mobile phone.
When did she buy it?
* help 人+原形動詞=人が’動詞’するのを助ける
have trouble ~ing =~するのに問題がある
Enjoy English !!